Limited Appeal is a self-explanatory podcast, really. On a monthlish basis, four old university friends now scattered across the world meet for a Skypechat that is recorded for your detr. . . , er, benefit. Surprisingly, we actually edit out the more boring parts of the conversation, and try to leave you with a few pearls of wisdom that are gleaned from consistently ridiculous points of view on discussion topics ranging from the mundane to the absurd. If you occasionally enjoy some of our conversations, we are pleased.
But be warned: our motto is, "In case you were expecting something, this is what you get."
In keeping with the original spirit of the Internet, this podcast is free for everybody who wants to hear us.
Would we like your money? Of course! But don't give it us. We would prefer if you made a donation to our favourite charity:
- from Hope For Malawi Foundation website
For the lazy, here is a direct link to the donations page. Limited Appeal has already purchased a goat (named Tbone), a rooster, two hens, 5 tree saplings and a soccer ball for a community through this fine organization. Check out their website and help a Malawan out!
Any questions? Email us at